第四集 菊花好朋友~國瑞


本集使用音樂「月光海灘」Kevin MacLeod
依據知識分享授權:依歸屬 4.0 授權



Yating: Hello everyone, welcome to The Anus Monologues podcast. I am Yating!


Meiyu: I am Meiyu.


Wentz: Hello everyone! I am Wentz!


Garry: Hello everyone, I am Garry


Yating: Today we have a new partner, Garry. Actually, Garry is quite hardworking. He is studying in graduate school in Hualien, and he often comes to Taipei every week to participate in groups. Let’s invite Garry. Let me introduce how I met Meiyu and how he become the partner of Hand In Hand Association of Taiwan.


Wentz: We already counted how long we have known each other last time, so we probably don’t have to count anymore this time!


Garry: Oh, right~ Anyway, we should have known each other in 2013 or 2014


Yating: Oh, so you only met Meiyu after we got married.


Garry:Yes, you two were on the show at that time, and Wentz and I were watching it at that time. When this person appeared in our class, I thought why this person looked so familiar, but I couldn’t remember it. Where have I seen this person, but I feel that this person looks inexplicably familiar?


Yating: So it was because you saw her interview and then she appeared in the classroom that you felt particularly eager to get to know her?


Garry: Or did Wentz start it first?


Wentz: I don’t particularly want to get to know her, it’s her who is causing trouble for me (laughs)


Garry: About that recorder, oh! It turned out to be a cause for trouble!


Yating: How about Garry?


Garry: Because the two of them suddenly became acquainted, and then I


Meiyu: Actually, Not


Garry: Then we started chatting


Wentz: That’s a complaint, but I don’t have the courage to say it, so


Garry: Wentz started to say, hey, she is the one who was on the show last time&%@*


Yating: oh! So you got to know Meiyu right in the research institute. In this case, you had to get to know Meiyu. How did Meiyu convince you to join activities of Hand In Hand Association of Taiwan?


Meiyu: Have I convinced you?


Garry: (laughing) OK! Should I use oppression? No! joke! It was then that I was about to graduate


Wentz: 30% of Libra’s jokes are true!


Meiyu: That’s it! I know, I listened


Yating: I want to use this method too


Wentz: Okay, what happens after you graduate?


Garry: I was about to graduate at that time. The most important thing is that I met Meiyu in the middle, probably Wentz and I, and then Meiyu. During that time, because of the use of drugs, her condition was not very good, and then at the stage of writing the thesis, it was like this. In some situations, I received some help from him at that time.


Meiyu: You were obviously crazy at that time


Garry: It was fine at that time, but I later felt that there was a period of time when I played more crazily, yes, but during that period I was really a little confused and more serious. Anyway, I was about to graduate at that time! Then Meiyu first established the association at that time, and then she felt that she had helped her before, and then we started


Meiyu: What are you talking? Obviously the three of us discussed it together, and we all came up with the names together.




Meiyu: We also found that numerology teacher


Garry: Anyway, the most important thing is the latter part, and then it was suggested that I take long-term care courses. At that time, I actually didn’t know what I wanted to do after graduation. My previous teacher taught me meridian physiotherapy, so I was still thinking about it at that time. When I asked if I wanted to do this, Meiyu asked me if I wanted to do it. Anyway, I was already infected at that time, so it was AIDS. Then Meiyu said if I wanted to do it, anyway, we will promote long-term AIDS care in the future, etc. , and then wanted to say, Oh! It seems okay. Anyway, I don’t know what I want in the future. Anyway, I may die on the streets in the future. It would be better to find a place to belong to. AIDS is not a condition that many people take care of, and then it is easy to be abandoned by family members and die on the streets. I have heard this concept before, and then I thought okay! Take care of others, and maybe one day you will be taken care of


Meiyu: Just get to know more people who take care of each other, like this


Garry: Yes, that’s when I thought, okay! I wanted to work in Long-Term Care, so my initial motivation was actually because I didn’t have a job! And then I don’t know what to do? So I took this message and followed this path, followed by Meiyu, who is the part of the association that helps with addiction recovery.


Wentz: I’m quite curious, because for example, as a member of thePositive health group, you have the same experience with medication, H, and you are a gay man, which means you have the same experience as him, and then you are leading a group, what will happen to you? Does experience have any different power coming in?


Garry: I think it is more like the situation they are talking about. Because maybe you have experienced it yourself, so you feel that the part he talked about is that we will understand. In fact, many people in the group will actually understand, and then they just feel that they understand. It is more clearly presented in the activities, to a certain extent, because everyone is very similar! So sometimes I cry in the group, and I think I can find comfort.


Yating: Please share your observations from attending the two consecutive workshops, although you may not have attended every time.


Garry: Yes, let me talk about my own observations first. I feel that when I observe my own state, I feel very tired. One is having to run on both sides. Then at that time, I actually still have a feeling. I haven’t put my own I got the status quo, and then I had to join a new group, but I think this group is actually very interesting, but the initial situation was like this, yes, and then when I started to slowly enter, I found that there were still some things I wanted to talk about. something! It happened to be because the lecturer last time came to talk about past sexual assault. She talked about her experience of being sexually assaulted when she was three years old.


Meiyu: Oh her experience


Garry: yes! Then I thought it was so cool! Then he was talking about that experience, which was that he still felt pleasant. Although he knew that he could talk about it in the past, no one really talked about it like this. Then she opened the door to me. In fact, I didn’t feel uncomfortable, but I actually I experienced a lot of discomfort, and that discomfort was the process of sexual assault in junior high school. The process was comfortable, but what about after it was over? After a year, I started to keep it as a little secret and tell it to my classmates. After my classmates felt that it was very serious, they entered the counseling process and felt that it was not very comfortable. It seemed that many people came to ask questions. After all, what happened then? Then how could this happen? Aren’t you a boy? Don’t you know how to protect yourself? Then some people asked, even if you were not walked halfway, why did you continue to follow him? Let me tell you! It’s not that I can’t walk away, otherwise what can I do? Isn’t it that my hand was held at that time, and then I went to dismantle the process of that experience at that time, and then I want to say that there was actually comfort, and then there was fright, and then there was also a kind of Complaining or being angry with myself is like being a boy and I can’t be like this, right! At that time, I made that experience clearer and took it apart one by one. It was because of Xiu Mei’s sharing at that time that I began to realize that these things existed. I knew they existed before, but I didn’t think of them as special. After she brought it up, she began to realize that there were actually these things, and then she picked them up piece by piece. After she came that time, she opened up a lot of on-site partners, some of whom had experience in her past, and some Different imaginations or ideas, and then some new ones, appear like this. However, sometimes when I want to express these things through acting, although I say I can act, I will have a problem.


Meiyu: I noticed that your body is very stiff


Garry: Yes, there will be a line of defense


Meiyu: Yes, because when we acted together last year, I could feel the person Garry was playing, because he himself was the person involved, but he wanted to play the person who had treated him like that. I felt that feeling of self-isolation, and the whole body was actually very stiff. I really felt that when we were arranging the characters in that way, I was actually thinking about whether it would be a shock to my wife, but then you said you could , and then I thought okay! Then let’s try it together. I’m actually worried psychologically, because at that time so many people were going to perform every part of their lives. They didn’t want to tell others, and they never talked about it with others. Those things were very broken. Those broken memories, and they have no way to talk about them, I think during the performance, the rehearsal process, and then until the performance, I was actually always looking at what it would be like for our partners. Next, Regardless of the impact, or how he re-understands the relationship between him and these experiences, I think it’s pretty good when you talk about it now, really.


Garry: That is, when I want to play that role or retell these stories, in fact, for a period of time, I really don’t want to tell them again, even though I have already written them and I still want to tell them. Then of course I know it myself. I didn’t write that clearly, but I feel like


Wentz: No matter how clearly you write, you still have to talk about it


Meiyu: What you talked about here today is actually more detailed.


Garry: There are some contradictions every time, so I think that contradiction should be reflected in my own performance! Acting is a state of struggle, even for myself, because we performed it twice last year, and then we performed it twice. The first time, I actually felt like forgetting it, but the second time, In fact, there is still one kind, that is, it is a little stretched, and then it is a little stuck. Then maybe I will feel stuck due to the situation of the day, and then I feel that it is quite reflective of myself, whether it is my own experience or The stories may include sexual assault, or I am talking about my experience of using drugs. Sometimes, I feel that the feeling of being stuck still appears, and then the feeling of being stuck and bored sometimes occurs. I feel very annoyed, and then it makes me very angry, and then that anger, maybe it is right to be angry at myself sometimes, and it seems that sometimes I am also angry at the world.


Meiyu: I think you made a different choice later, that is, you didn’t do that, but you chose to tell this matter, your true feelings, and then you chose to talk to so many people you didn’t know, and even people you might hate, Talk about those experiences that made you feel very uncomfortable, angry, and hateful. I think you made a different choice. One thing that is very important is that we decided to try to open up these things together.


Garry: I think this thing is in our Positive health group. In fact, everyone has such experience, because on that occasion, everyone may be better at sharing, or everyone thinks that is safer, right! But in The Anus Monologues, you won’t hear people like this. It’s less likely to come out if you have a deeper or very negative experience, so everyone will explain the matter clearly, but the feelings and status of that matter, I I don’t think it’s like the people in the Positive health group, that is, everyone will actually tolerate you. At the moment, it is actually very, there is a lot of emotional tension, then anger, then sadness, and then it is possible for you, it is true. Just like what I just said, the kind of injustice to the world, and then seeing it in the eyes and making you very angry, I think you will hear this kind of thing more in the Positive health group, and then everyone will do it their own way emotions, Of course, we still have to be leaders, and we still have to do that, just like we have to bring that state back now, but I think that thing is very real, that is, I think it may be whether everyone feels that this place is safe. , and then we can talk about it, and I think that thing is so important, that is, there should be a place where we can vent, but venting means having someone beside us to talk to, and I also have this, and then this feeling, I understand, and then I think in that group, I think this will make people feel that I can continue to move forward with this.


Meiyu: In fact, I think this is what Wentz and Ningmeng have been trying to teach, which is to test more and more each time, and then let everyone not only build a trusting relationship with everyone, but also practice with them, To strangers and people you don’t know that well, tell me what you just mentioned. In the Positive health group, everyone is willing to talk about it because of the trusting relationship. Those emotions and feelings that may not be tolerated in the world. , and then those things that are really painful and stinging for him, but I always feel that even if The Anus Monologues has no way to go there now, we are walking in that direction, because we can From every Wentz and Ningmeng class, I can see that everyone is accumulating little by little. What’s special is that you see, we actually encourage everyone not to stay for just one year, but to stay for two years and three. Years later, things will really be different after you. Just like what we did in Positive health group, it actually takes time to accumulate the relationship between people.


Garry: Yes


Yating: Okay, then we would like to thank Garry for coming to participate in the recording of our podcast today. Thank you everyone. You should listen to it again next time. Bye bye.


Meiyu&Wentz&Garry: Goodbye!


